Laura Lee Kyro

Many female singers are known by single names, but one of the best was known, simply, as, “Judy.” St. Louis actor and singer Laura Lee Kyro will take on personal stylings of songs once sung by Judy, as well as songs made famous by others, in a tribute to musical numbers from stage and screen. Selections will include famous Judy standards such as Rock-A-Bye Your Baby, The Man that Got Away, and Somewhere Over the Rainbow, to name but a few. Laura has been treading stages throughout St. Louis for over four decades, winning awards for several roles. In the past she’s taken on leading roles in productions of Mame, Gypsy, Into The Woods, Angels In America, and many others. Join Laura and accompanist Nick Schleuter for a night of classic music numbers made famous by “Judy and Others.”

Nick Schlueter is an active musician, composer, and keyboardist. He has performed with Steve Davis, Pavlov's Dog, Charles Glenn, Jim Manley, Dawn Weber, and many others. As a composer, he has written songs and pieces for Pavlov's Dog, Rich Landers (Jerry Lee Lewis, Tina Turner, Marty Ballen) Charles Glenn, Grace Church (Maryland Heights), The Krakow Conservatory, and many others. Nick has been an active dueling piano player since 2013, touring the country playing clubs and private gigs. He has a business called the Dueling Hobbits. Dueling Hobbits performs dueling pianos at private events and helps young musicians learn the craft of dueling pianos and get hired. 
He is a teacher and collaborative pianist that has been hired around the world for vocal coaching and contemporary piano studies. He currently teaches with STL Piano Lessons, Webster University, and in his own private practice.Nick is a highly sought-after musician and entrepreneur.