Holidays at Home: Gina Malone and Jeffrey Carter Toast the Holiday Season

Gina Malone is known locally as a concert and opera singer, as well as a singing actress and teaching artist. Most notably, she’s performed with Union Avenue Opera, the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, and St. Louis Shakespeare Festival among others. She made her debut a few months ago with the Ozark Actors Theatre in Rolla, MO playing the role of the Mother Abbess in the The Sound of Music. She also appeared in Union Avenue’s production of Into the Woods as Florinda/Granny. Ms. Malone resides in St. Louis and maintains a private voice studio.

Jeffrey Carter is professor of music at Webster University where he leads the unique program in music direction for musical theatre. His private voice pedagogy practice focuses on musical theatre and contemporary singing styles. He has music-directed locally with New Jewish Theatre, The Rep, and New Line Theatre, and won a Judy (Newmark) Award a decade ago for his work as Sipos in She Loves Me at Insight Theatre. Carter has loved Christmas music for a zillion years. His last Blue Strawberry appearance with a microphone was one of the last events prior to the 2020 COVID darkness.

Carter and Ms. Malone bring iconic sounds of the season in solos and duets and singalongs to Blue Strawberry as they toast the holiday season.