Bob Case and the St. Louis Tickle

Celebrate Bob Dylan’s 83rd Birthday (May 24, 2025) with Bob Case and The St. Louis Tickle. Hear songs that introduced the world to Dylan, from his early folk beginning thru his electric period, country, gospel and to the present. 

Dylan’s career changed and challenged our musical understanding, blending together what an artist does- taking cues from philosophy, literature, spirituality, early roots music, art and whatever was at hand. Bob Case was influenced by Dylan in his early teens and saw him as an example of what it meant to be an artist for his generation. Traveling thru the south during the Folk Revival of the 60’s, Bob learned directly from Country Blues artists Bukka White, Fury Lewis, Sleepy John Estes and Mississippi Fred McDowell.

Growing up in St. Louis on weekends Bluegrass and Country music was everywhere to be found. Bob blended all these styles together creating roots music understanding to build a musical career. Moving to Boston in the early 1970’s Bob hooked up with slide guitarist J.B. Hutto, playing bass, touring and recording with J.B. on the 1980’s W.C. Handy Blues award album “Keeper Of The Flame”.

What Bob knows, he learned directly from the artist creating it. Dylan’s music was a musical stew of traditional roots music, rock n' roll, country, gospel and pop. Simultaneously, his song ideas were addressing the perplexities of our time with questions and ideas that needed to be answered.